PRIZEY offers a variety of promotional and marketing services, including:
- free giveaway listings
- display advertising
- themed, multi-donor giveaway packages
- paid sponsorship and promotions marketing
Free Services
Basic Listing
Estimated impressions: 10,000
Cost: Free
If you set up a giveaway through your own properties or outside arrangements, or if you are a blogger hosting a giveaway, consult our editorial and submission guidelines to see if it is eligible for listing on PRIZEY.
PRIZEY's basic listing service is and always will be offered free of charge.
Graphical Advertising
Estimated impressions (per month): 40,000
Cost: $30-$150
Graphics-based (.jpeg or .gif) display advertising on PRIZEY is sold in three formats:
- Mini Ad: Size: 120 pixels wide by 200 pixels tall. $60 per month and sold in calendar-month cycles; can be pro-rated up to 15 days ($30).
- Standard Ad: Size: 150 pixels wide by up to 600 pixels tall. $150 per month or $50 per week.
Text-Based Advertising
Estimated impressions (per week/per month): 10,000/40,000
Cost: $20 and up
Text-based advertising on PRIZEY is sold through BlogAds, and is available with or without images in varying sizes. Ad sales are possible for a variety of durations and at many price points, starting as low as $20 per week for a text-only ad.
Sponsorship and Promotions
PRIZEY offers a variety of marketing and promotional services for products and services of interest to parents. If you have ideas for working with us that differ from the packages listed below, don't hesitate to contact us to discuss them.
Themed Giveaway Sweepstakes
Estimated impressions (blog and RSS): 20,000
Cost: Free
PRIZEY organizes near-weekly giveaways of products organized around memorable and exciting themes. A few examples:
- Baby Feeding Giveaway (Boon, Kaboost, Born Free, Mostess Creations)
- Eco Baby Giveaway (Green to Grow, Satsuma Designs, HABA, Amnesty International, Natursutten/The Soft Landing)
- Boutique Shopping Spree (Craftsbury Kids, Kangaroodle, The Silly Wagon, Zutano)
- Parents' Night Out (,, Babooshnik Games, Me! Bath/Kim and Jason)
- Sixes to Eights (Olive Kids, Polaroid, HABA)
Silver Sponsorship
Estimated impressions (blog and RSS): 90,000
Cost: $100
A Silver Sponsorship runs for one week and includes a post about the sponsor company with links to areas of their site, and a logo for the company in the PRIZEY header, also linked to the company site. The post is "top-listed" on the blog for the full first day of the sponsor week, linked via text in the "How It Works" lead text, and advertised in our RSS post footer throughout the sponsor week.

Gold Sponsorship
Estimated impressions (blog and RSS): 125,000+
Cost: $200
A Gold Sponsorship runs for one week and includes the custom design and execution of a buzz-generating giveaway hosted on PRIZEY during the sponsorship. We recommend giveaways of no less than $100 in products on PRIZEY for this format. Services included in a Gold Sponsorship include all Silver Sponsor services, plus:
- the conception, hosting and multiple-blog promotion of a creative giveaway that reflects your company's goals and engages readers productively with your site and products
- the drafting of Official Rules to provide protection from liability when conducting a sweepstakes
- the administration of the giveaway and winner(s) selection via a predetermined method (usually at random)
Platinum Sponsorship
Estimated total impressions (blog and RSS): 125,000+
Cost: Free
A Platinum Sponsorship is simple: Work with us to coordinate a PRIZEY-hosted giveaway of more than $1,000 in products or services relevant to our readers, and we will provide all of the services of our Gold Sponsorship at no charge. If your company is prepared to run a PRIZEY-organized giveaway at this level, let's talk - anything that great for our readers, we'll do for free.
Contact us at prizeyblog (at) gmail (dot) com to make arrangements for any of the marketing and promotional services described above. If you're a WAHM/D, we may have additional collaborative, small-fee, or exchange-based services to discuss. Feel free to drop us a line to inquire.
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