You asked for it: Introducing PRIZEY.Fetch

PRIZEY.Fetch is a community-driven solution to help manage the glut of great blog giveaways in a way that is convenient for entrants. It allows bloggers to collect entries through post comments without asking them to divulge email information in public blog comments (which exposes entrants' email addresses to potential harvesting by spambots), and offers readers the confidence to enter giveaways knowing they won't forget to "check in" with a blog for a giveaway winner announcement.

How it works

  1. Participating bloggers display a PRIZEY.Fetch badge and inform giveaway entrants that winner information will be sent in to PRIZEYWinners. When a blogger has concluded a giveaway and selected a winner, he or she sends the relevant information - winner's name, giveaway item, and any instructions for claiming their prize - to a special email address.
  2. Participants who wish to alert readers in other ways are welcome to do so even while participating in the notification program.
  3. PRIZEY.Fetch forwards verified contributors' listings to a new companion blog to PRIZEY, PRIZEYWinners.
  4. Regular readers of the host blog or those who provided email addresses will likely hear of their win from the blog itself, but casual readers who have visited solely to enter the giveaway in question, or those who frequent a wide variety of blogs to enter giveaways, can discover wins from all PRIZEY.Fetch participants by searching for their name or nickname in the "Did I Win?" search box in PRIZEY's upper right column.
If you are a regular reader of PRIZEY, some of the blogs you love are already signed up with the free PRIZEY.Fetch service. You can browse exclusively through giveaways that will be reported to PRIZEYWinners by clicking on the "Fetch" icon shown in the upper lefthand column of PRIZEY.

By offering this service we intend to offer a unique channel for readers who would like to focus their giveaway time on blogs that contribute to a centralized "bulletin board" where frequent giveaway entrants can find all of their win information in one location, without sharing their email address all over the web or having to remember to check in at a lot of blogs, each with their own giveaway close dates, announcement schedules, and response deadlines.

We're starting small, with a handful of great blogs that offer giveaways as named participants in the PRIZEY.Fetch program: One Chic Mama, Oh! Baby Buy Products, Subu, Inc., teensygreen, Breeni Books, Superdumb Supervillain, Baby Toolkit, Z Recommends, and PRIZEY itself, for our own sweepstakes. As the service grows in scope and additional blogs are added as contributors, we believe it will become an invaluable tool for giveaway hosts to continue reaching out to new audiences and for readers to conveniently enter multiple daily giveaways listed on PRIZEY.

Join the program
If you are a blogger who contributes listings to PRIZEY and would like to participate in the free PRIZEY.Fetch program, find out how easy it is to join. Participation means that your giveaways will be shown in the "Fetch" post stream as well as the full blog, will be listed as a participating blog on PRIZEYWinners, and will encourage more casual and new readers to enter your giveaways.

Note: It is recommended that you use a unique nickname or your full name when entering blog giveaways in order to minimize the chance for multiple same-name claimants on a prize. If you haven't been using something unusual and clever to identify yourself, or your full name, you should start now!

Stay tuned for the first in a series of two weeks of PRIZEY-hosted giveaways beginning this afternoon!