We're launching ten days of giveaways on PRIZEY to celebrate the launch of PRIZEY.Fetch, a new notification service designed to entering giveaways even easier. Thanks to Moderndose.com, you could win one of their irresistible "Animal Attraction" pillows, shown above. One winner will get their choice of design in this line of handcrafted throw pillows, which sell for $65-$70 apiece.
This giveaway marks another launch as well: Commenting on PRIZEY. To enter this giveaway, we don't need you to submit an email address for the world to see - just leave a comment with your unique name or nickname (it should be something no other entrant is likely to share - full name, unusual nickname, etc.) and then search for your name on PRIZEYWinners using the search box at the top of the page sometime next week and you'll be scanning for wins on any and all PRIZEY.Fetch participant blogs, including this and the nine other PRIZEY giveaways we'll be hosting between now and February 22!
To enter this giveaway, comment on this post with which pillow you'd choose and what the designs remind you of. We'll accept entries until 5 p.m. CST Feb. 14, 2008.
PRIZEY Giveaway: "Animal Attraction" pillow from Moderndose
Labels: $51-$100, PRIZEY Picks, PRIZEY.Fetch
I love the elephants, well not me my daughter, she says because she likes their heart the best and they are cute
I love all the pillows. The owls are are really cute...they remind me of the owl that visited last spring. He was hilarious to watch chase after bugs.
I love the owls... they remind me on nighttime.
I like the elephants, they are like a valentie that you don't throw away.
I like the Girafes. Long and lean like the pillow
You guys are awesome! The elephants are so cute. My son makes the stuffed animal we have talk and for some reason it always says, "Play! Play! Play!" LOL
I LOVE the giraffes. They remind me of my husband who is really tall!
I can't decide - the owls are so cute but I like the elephants too. My daughter's name is Ellie so I guess they remind me of her!
I love the giraffe pillow- it reminds me of the one my daughter sleeps with as her 'lovey'!
Love the elephants
My daughter says she likes the giraffe because it is pink so that is it the princess has spoken.
I love the giraffe pillow. It reminds me that sometimes my head is in the clouds.
What adorable pillows! I would choose the giraffe pillow because they are my favorite zoo animals! Thanks,Cindi
I like them all! I think the giraffe pillow is the most huggable though :)
I'd pick the owl pillow. The art reminds me of illustrations out of 1970s-era children's books.
I love the owls! thanks
I would pick the Giraffe pillow. It reminds me of my son, because he is obsessed with giraffes!
I like the owls b/c they're such quirky animals! :) Plus, my first thought turned to Owl on Winnie the Pooh and how I always get a chuckle at his ramblings!
I love the giraffes!
dansan826 at yahoo.com
I love the owls. I used to have a little peekaboo owl toy my mom made me. It has that great mod feeling that my toy had!
I would choose the giraffes and I would say it reminds me of those lovebirds that are taller than the rest of us...you know those supermodel couples that tower above the rest of us!! Thanks..
the elephants, for sure; my parents have me a silver ring for Easter one year that had elephants and hearts engraved around it.
LOVE the elephants... all of the pillows remind me of those great vintage childrens books that were illustrated with paper cutouts. so cute!
DgDimick - Wonder if the new service will sign you up to win stuff?
My favorite is the owl pillow. I love the look on their faces...it reminds me of a shy owl. Why else? Owls are cool.
I like the giraffes the best...they remind me of Noah's ark.
We're outfitting our son's room, these would be the perfect addition to new bunkbeds!
I love the owl pillow too - they remind me of my grandma. She collected owls and often sewed pillows and blankets as gifts.
elephants! My son loves them and we often see the two elephants at the Milwaukee Zoo when we go
The giraffe pillow is my favorite. All three remind me of drawings my nephew used to do for me when he was younger.
I love the elephant pillow it reminds me of this stuffed elephant i treasured when i was a kid and now it is my daughters. Thanks for the entry!
I love the owls! They are so serious in their courtship, sitting there not looking at the other, but with the little heart above.
I'd pick the owls. They remind me of a picture we have hanging up of our whole family... drawn as owls!
I'm going with the owls, because we're all about Harry Potter at the moment, and owls play a large role therein.
Thanks for the giveaway!
I love the owls! There big surprised looking eyes and the heart remind me of how I felt when I had my first crush.
Love the owls. They remind me of... um... owls? No? Okay. They remind me of love!
Love, love, love the giraffe pillows!! It would go really well in my son's modern inspired nursery. Very chic...
Love em all, would look great in my room.
The owls are cute! They remind me of a top I bought for my daughter with two owls on it. (A mom/dad owl with their baby sitting on a tree branch) She loves wearing it.
I like the elephants...it reminds me of my friend who loves them!
They are all great! I think the elephants are the ones I would pick. They remind me of me and hubby!
I would love the giraffes. They are so cute. I make birthday cards for kids and one of my favorite designs is a giraffe. They are super cute!
I like the Owls...I like how they remind me of the Owl in Bambi. lol
I'd like the giraffe one. It reminds me of the animal shows my granddaughter watches on Discovery.
I would love the Giraffe one for my daughter. It would perfectly match the colors in her new bedding!
These remind me of the cute little animal board books we have here at home. The lines are clean and smooth and the colors are very attractive to children.
ooh! i want one! for me-not my son!!
I love the owls, they remind me of a drawing my daughter did in preschool!
I love the giraffes - such graceful long necks. We're a bunch of shorties in my house!
what cute pillows!! i love the owls because they remind us of a little owl family that we watched each night outside of our house!! we watched the mom teach the little ones to fly!! thanks
Kudos on Prizey.Fetch - it's a service very much needed! Thanks for providing it.
Re.pillows - all unique, all good. Giraffes I like, so that's my pick.
Thanks again,
aBookworm from the Contest posting blog,
A Bookworm's Diary
I like the giraffes (although they are all super cute) My mom is pretty crafty, and they remind me of the little cut out animals she used to hang in my room.
It's so hard to choose, since they're all adorable. I guess if I had to choose just one, it would be the elephants.
Those pillows are cute!My daughter loves giraffes
i love the elephants, they are my favorite animal
I love the giraffes- it reminds me of the first time we took my son to the zoo and a giant giraffe came right up close- it's still his favorite attraction!
I love the owls pillow. All the designs remind me of the retro fabrics that are popular these days!
The owls remind me of the time we were driving through Girdwood, AK and came across a Snowy Owl that was sitting on the fence post right next to the side of the road.
The owl must have been over 3 feet! We stopped the car right beside it and it did not fly away at all. It seemed to be trying to stick its head in the car and checking US out! It was so beautiful from its eyes to its white feathers to the personality it seemsed to have. I was sooooo kicking myself for not having our camera with us! But, it was winter and everything was white with a glacier in the background. Awesome...just awesom! But..I have stories about elephants and giraffes also! I am a huge animal lover!
They are all adorable! I think I'm partial to the owls though.
I like the pillow with owls on it. They will watch over me when I'm asleep.
I love the elephant pillow. It reminds me of how much I love elephants - they're so majestic. Thanks for the giveaways!
These pillows are so lovely! I really love the owls because they are just so adorable!
I think I like the giraffes best. they remind me of my son it is his favorite animal at the moment.
They are all cute, but I would select the giraffe pillow because of the beautiful pink color in it.
I love all the pillows, but I think the giraffes are my favorite. They don't really remind me of anything, though the look is very modern and "of the moment."
I would adore the giraffe pillow! It reminds me of something my husband said to me a couple years ago when we were dating: "Did you know that a giraffe's heart weighs about 25 pounds?" After he said that we would always say things to each other like, "I love you as much as giraffes have big hearts." :) Great memories. Thanks for the entry!
I love that giraffe pillow. The print reminds me of hand silkscreening. I have always loved giraffes!
Thanks for the giveaways and the amazing changes that are being made!
I like the giraffes. Growing up with a long neck I was teased and called a girafe. Now grown and my neck is a wonderfully fabulous part of me, I am proud of it.
I like the owls, they remind of a child's book.
I love the Owls pillow -- it's so cute and unusual!
They are SO cute, the elephants are definately our favorite.
Love the owls--they are so wise and wonderful!
The owls are awesome. The sweet pictures remind me of illustrations from my childhood.
I love the elephants- they remind me of my favourite exhibit at the Toronto Zoo.
I would choose the Giraffe pillow! How cute! It reminds me of an African Safari!
I love the owls, I love birding and the idea of wisdom.
Think my daughter will like the owls best.
i love the giraffes....i had that nickname when i worked at a hardware store with these short little ladies, they needed me to reach things for them
I would pick the adorable owl pillow. It reminds me of my daughter's favorite picture book.
Wow! I love, love, love these pillows! Adorable! Yes, please include me in the drawing!
A Cup of Joy
The owls are my favorite, but they're all very sweet. The style reminds me of my favorite children's book illustrations, from Babar to the Hungry Caterpillar...
I love the giraffes, they remind me of my twin boys who do everything together.
I love the owls...they remind me of the one that lived close to my house when I was little :)
My dd loves giraffes! Remind me of....the zoo? :)
I love the girafes. they are soo cute and i love the shape of the pillow
The elephants are great! We love elephants in our house - so big and old and loyal!
I love the elephants! They remind me that "they never forget."
I love the giraffes. They remind me of a giraffe toy hanging on my sons activity mat thingy.
I love the elephants. They remind me of the first time my daughter saw them at the zoo. She was enthralled!
Comments closed! Thanks for entering, everyone!
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