Along with our new giveaway submission form, we're thrilled to announce the launch of a special place for book giveaway listings called PRIZEYBooks.

The most exciting thing for us about PRIZEYBooks is that it allows PRIZEY members to post their own giveaways live to the site (with no editing step by PRIZEY staff) using a super-simple form designed especially for book listings.

We'll be selecting some PRIZEYBooks listings to post to PRIZEY itself.

While we will still welcome paid or reward point listings of books submitted directly to PRIZEY, we'll ask that for free listings you become a member - the membership requirement means we can open up the blog fully to contributors without worrying about spam - and post them directly to PRIZEYBooks.

This means your submission, whether it makes it onto the main PRIZEY blog or not, is live on a public blog with exposure to folks who may be looking for more book giveaways than the average PRIZEY reader. Over time PRIZEYBooks should find an audience which overlaps but is not entirely equivalent to the folks who read PRIZEY.

Not yet a member of PRIZEY? Membership offers the option (not requirement) of allowing PR reps to contact you about opportunities for giveaways or review samples for your site. You can sign up here.

If you have any comments or questions about this new blog or the service we're providing with it, contact us directly at prizeyblog (at) gmail (dot) com.

Photograph shared on Flickr by timtom.ch.