PRIZEY Giveaway: Sleep Tight!

PRIZEY's ten days of giveaways continue with a fittingly late start this evening. Tonight we offer readers a three-step program for exhausted parents to help the kids crash early:

  • Let child watch Peggy Rathmann's classic Goodnight, Gorilla on DVD while you fall asleep in your chair.
  • Use the internet code on your new brown Russ Shining Stars bear to pair child's name with a star using the International Star Registry. Tell child what a cool parent you are while child hugs on bear.
  • Drop Mae Robertson's amazing lullaby album Dream in the CD player to lull child to sleep.
To enter to win this $47 prize package, comment on this post with your child's favorite reason to stay up late. We'll accept entries through 5 p.m. Feb. 17, 2008.


Julie said...

My son's favorite? Well..this week his favorite is he 'forgot to tell us something..."I love you mom and dad"'

But trust me it changes week to week and he is a master player at age 3 1/2.

Crystal said...

Our favorite reason to stay up late... Wrestling with daddy.

windycindy said...

Happy Valentine's Day! One biggie is
"I'm hungry!" So, we go to the kitchen, one or two bites later and back to bed. "I'm thirsty!" "I'm scared!" "My tummy hurts!" "I forgot to kiss you good night!" "I need another light on!" etc., etc., etc.!

Unknown said...

Im thirsty=). Where is baby kitty? Where is baby ella? Where is baby teddy?

Heather said...

My daughter's favorite is "but what if daddy forgets to come in and give me a kiss" on nights where he comes home late due to meetings :)

Becky said...

My son likes to ask for another story, and another ...

Owner said...

my daughter's favorite reason to stay up? to have another book read to her, and once you're done with that, you have to read Goodnight Moon, since that HAS to be the last book read. sometimes Goodnight Moon gets read 3 plus times a night. sigh.

Unknown said...

My daughter goes to bed pretty much on schedule most of the time(she's three). My son, however, well...I don't know that he has a favorite reason or any reason at all! I think his reason is usually just "I'm not done playing". He's 18mo. He still needs to be walked around most nights and usually the first half of it is him trying to fling himself backward into some back flip of doom and destruction which he just finds endlessly entertaining. Of course the more annoyed we get with it, the more fun he has doing it.

I really don't know where he gets the energy.

Jenna said...

Sweet. My daughter is only 11 months old, so she doesn't yet verbalize her excuses... but to give you an indication, it's now after midnight and I JUST got her to sleep, finally. I'm rearing one serious night owl. But I don't mind at all, because she also sleeps in late!

Milk Mama said...

At my daughter's age, she stays up late because she doesn't like to sleep in her crib... so she stays up for me, the night owl! Argh!


noreen said...

I need to read Pinky just one more page

Mary512 said...

My daughters favorite reason to stay up late is to play, play, PLAY! Thanks for the great giveaway! Luv U guys!

Stephanie said...

Oh the favorite this week is, "I need another hug and kiss mommy!" She also is worried we will turn off the computer and erase all her fun games...weird huh.

Stephanie said...

My daughter's favorite reason to stay up late would simply be to stay involved in activity. She is an outdoor enthusiast, an athlete, and a lively little beauty...and she's only 17 months old!

Anonymous said...

At two months old my son smiles when i say i love you to him.. this will be a perfect toy for him. thanks.

stacey said...

Oh, even though he's not yet 5 months, I know my son likes to be up later because it means more time with his dad! He loves sitting on dad's lap while dad does his school work!

Anonymous said...

one of my daughters is her cartoons are still on(noggin which shows preschool shows 24 hrs a day). my other daughters is shes afraid she'll wake up and daddy will be gone with the army.

Jennifer said...

my daughter, age 3, says she wants to stay up to 'eat, drink, and watch a little tv'. When she sees I'm going to say no, she says, but i asked for 3 things not 5, 3 isn't alot!'. how can you say no to that!

Abby said...

My 9 month old likes to stay up late so she can keep smiling at her momma and maybe see her daddy when he gets home from work. Night time is her happy time!
Thanks for the prize offer! She loves listening to soothing music as she falls asleep.

Anonymous said...

My son likes to stay up late and just look at all the decals we have on his walls and the air planes hanging from his ceiling, plus he just can't get to bed and sleep unless one of us rocks

Kristen M. said...

My kids will do anything to stay up late and play Webkinz on the computer.

MamaGames - Alexa C. said...

Since our daughter arrived in October, our son's biggest line is, "But I didn't get to (x) with Daddy today!" Didn't get to play Legos with Daddy, or play a game with Daddy, or look at books with Daddy, etc.

We cave every time. Isn't quality time more important than sleep???

Thanks for the sleepy contest!

2migirlsmom said...

Because "You are Mommy" would have to the best I've heard yet.

sassy2 said...

It's usually because "don't you want to spend some time with your buddy dad?" And then he crawls upon his lap with puppy eyes.

Mommy Bee said...

Our toddler's favorite reason to stay up is so she can "go peepee".

Tonya said...

It's usually "I miss you"

Don and Lisa Osborn said...

My daughter loves to stay up reading, "just one more book." After we put her down, we hear her singing for a long time...

Great prize.

Holly said...

To hang out with mom and dad of course!

Maude Lynn said...

"But, I'm hungry!"

Panjo Kids said...

He's a jumper! He wants to get up and jump on the bed...

Bebemiqui said...

Favorite reason: watching James Bond with mom & dad.

Chantelle said...

my son loves to wait for daddy to get home

Maggie Smith said...

My son's favorite reason to stay up late: "But I love you Mommy and I want to cuddle with you!" Boy, how could you resist that?!?!


Anonymous said...

She always asks to take another bath.
watson at zerostreet dot net

Lolly said...

My twins' favorite reason is they are nine months and want to PLAY!!

Bree said...

Our favorite reason: More time with Daddy!

The Saunders Family said...

well, she loves to keep playing with us!
mom2maria at hotmail dot com

phxbne said...

In her own words: "Watch one more show"

Anonymous said...

My son sneaks out of bed and goes into the study to play one last game on He turns the volume way down so we won't hear it from downstairs. Very sneaky! We're on to him, though.

Anonymous said...

My daughters both pull they want daddy time ...

Leighann of Multi-Minding Mom said...

Now that we have a baby, our three-year-old likes to stay up a little late to get some one-on-one time. I can't say I blame her!

Katie said... finish their movie, or "I need to tell mom goodnight cause i don't think she heard me!" hehe

Leane said...

Unfortunately we still don't have a betime routine so he likes to stay up and play.Even after he is put to bed he will play with his animals and babble to himself. It is the cutest when babies are so sleepy but they try to stay up because they think they will miss something exciting. This is great giveaway package.

Danielle said...

"Bedtime is stupid"!
dansan826 at

PS said...

My son loves to stay up late so he can watch grandpa snore. He knows whenever we go to grandma's and grandpa's we get to stay late and grandpa always falls asleep on the couch. Half the time once grandpa starts snoring my kids will cuddle up to grandpa in his chair and go to sleep with him!

Anonymous said... this the comment for me, what reasons have my girls NOT given. "You forgot to hug me forgot to kiss me...I didn't finsh my picture I started this morning...I'm bored...Where is my blanket...My bear is crying and I can't sleep..." the list goes on and on!! Thanks

Jen @ Rolling Through Looneyville said...

at barely two, my daughter's favorite "excuse" is "I want to 'nuggle Mommy!"

And really, how can you resist that?

BlondeBlogger said...

My kids always say they're scared because they know I'll feel sorry for them. :)

Thanks for the great giveaway!

Jerri said...

My son's favorite is can I play in bed for just a little while. I won't play long.

Anonymous said...

My 3yr. old's fave excuse to stay up is her desperate need to play with her dinosaurs. She cries about leaving them downstairs for a good ten minutes every night. As for the 8 month old - I think he just wants to be awake with his parents. We might be having fun without him, you know. Come to think of it...

Allison said...

My son is 11 months, and so far he stays up because it appears to be just too much fun to stay with mommy and daddy instead of sleeping in his crib. He usually wears down by 10, but sometimes if we've been out it's much later. I'm finally doing the Pantley thing because this is driving me crazy! I need more sleep!

Genevieve P said...

The unoriginal, always popular "I'm thirsty", of course, but also, "I want a baby!" (and then I get to guess which one), "My blankets aren't right!", and, get this, "I'm lonely!" There are three of them sleeping in that room; I really don't see how that loneliness happens.

Anonymous said...

Our son's favorite reason to stay up late is so his daddy can scratch his back just a little longer!

Tarasview said...

My 5 year old son's fav reason to stay up is to "play just a few more minutes"... my 4 year old son's fav is "to be wif you mummy"... and my 1 year old daughter's fav is just to not miss anything!

Marly said...

I think my 15-month-old son is convinced that, with just a little more time, he could surely catch the kitty to pull her tail. Alas, kitty thinks not.

Lici said...

my guy's favorite reason to stay up late? when he's got some screaming to do that he just couldn't fit in during the regular "work day"

what a busy life he leads.

Jenny said...

My child's favorite reason for staying up late is that daddy calls from Iraq and we get to talk to him.

J_Mama said...

We have to read the book, just one more time.

CPA Mom said...

Just the classic "but I'm not TIRREDD!"

Anonymous said...

My son will say he forgot to brush his teeth, go to the bathroom.. always something.

Deb said...

Our daughters always want to stay up late to snuggle - they know that we have a hard time resisting that one, especially when it gets us some quality snuggling time! :)

moushka said...

Ok my daughter has always been a little strange. When she was 3/4 she loved watching Fear Factor. She always wanted to stay up past her 8pm bedtime to watch it. Now that she's 5 it's Gladiators. It's the only time she ever wants to stay up late. LOL!!

Denise said...

My boys love to stay up and jump on their beds! It's so hard to calm them down!!

Mags said...

My son is only 7 months old so he can't keep asking for one more story but he can get super animated to try and entertain us!

megan said...

My daughter is only one month old so hunger or dirty diapers are her favorite reason to stay up late.

Latte Mocha Mellow said...

MY daughters favorit reason to stay up late is " I'm not sleepy" then she's sleep 5 minutes later.

kevnjacks said...

Our son's most often used reason to stay up - I have to pee (for the 10th time in the last 5 minutes!) and he'll always eek out something for show. LOL!

Carissa said...

My daughter likes to stay up late to have alone time with us. We have two other kids so she doesn't get lots of one on on.

Uniquely Yours said...

My daughter likes to tell me mommy's bed is nicer.

Unknown said...

The top two reasons are "I'm thirsty" and "I'm hungry", but "I can't sleep is a close third"

Angela said...

I'm Hungry, I'm thirsty, I need to go peepee...the list is endless

Anonymous said...

my 5 year old likes to stay up late just so she can cuddle with me and have alone time with mommy. It's our special time together.

sweetsue said...

Just one more story, one more drink of water, one more hug!

Sandy Ruminski/HealingMom said...

My son is a night owl-so is my husband. Every night I let my son know when it is bedtime. His favorite response is "who will stay up with Dad?". Oh Boy

/\Heather/\ said...

Favorite reason? Play with the computer or DS. That's for something we DON'T know about. For something we DO know about: reading or TV show.

Angela said...

He wants to stay up late because I do... and Connor wants to be anywhere I am.. anytime.. all the time.

Great bear btw... I love the idea.

Corina said...

my almost 3 yr old daughter will get up and say she is hungry and needs to eat. :)

Anonymous said...

Just about anything....she's hungry, thirsty, wants to watch t.v., cause older sister stays up name it.

Unknown said...

My daughters favorite reason to stay up is to make sure we go to bed. Its a battle every night.

Taryn said...

Grandma is over and giving him cookies and m&ms. :)

Sundi said...

My child's favorite reason to stay up late is, "It's too noisy!" even if it's dead quiet in the house. She'll think of anything to stay up and play with Mommy and Daddy!

bison61 said...

he loves his mom and wants to stay with me!

tiramisu392 (at)

Anonymous said...

to watch tv

SJINCO said...

My son's favorite reason to stay up late is so that he can watch tv.

Lee said...

Only one of his latest "reasons?" He wants a different stuffed animal. This is a painfully long decision most nights, and we could use all the help we can get keeping him in bed.

Becca said...

My baby girl loves to snuggle on my shoulder, and it nearly always works. She's not a cuddler, so I like to take advantage of these moments.