PRIZEY Reader Survey Sweepstakes

We are testing out a survey engine for possible use in some new PRIZEY services that can help us offer even bigger and better PRIZEY sweepstakes in the near future. We have set up a test survey of PRIZEY readers that will allow only 100 entries.

If you'd like to tell us a bit about yourself in our model reader survey, click on the link below, answer eight questions, and provide your email address. You'll be entered to win $50 in CDs and DVDs of your choice from sister blog Z Recommends' stash of great kids' media, including titles from:

  • Braincandy
  • The Scholastic Video Collection
  • Trout Fishing In America
  • Mae Robertson
  • Magic Maestro Music
and many more!

As always, PRIZEY will not abuse or share personally-identifiable information, including your email address, with anyone. You will not be able to access the survey if the 100 "invites" have been used up, so head over now if you're interested!

Update: All the invites have been used up - thanks for all who completed the survey, and we'll announce our drawing winner soon! We're also already acting on many of your suggestions, so stay tuned for improvements in the very near future!