PRIZEY Picks from Bloggy Giveaways' Winter Carnival

Bloggy Giveaways is hosting its popular carnival of giveaways this week, and the list currently stands at about 750 homegrown giveaways, growing at a rate of over 200 a day so far. We'll be posting selective PRIZEY Picks listings using the symbol shown here throughout the carnival, which should wrap up over the weekend. For these picks only we will waive our requirement that listed items be available for sale; in those cases, the prize value will be listed as "N/A" and the listing will be filed in the "$25 or less" category.

These listings represent our take on the best giveaways the Bloggy Giveaways Winter Carnival has to offer, but there are many more where they came from - you can access BG's massive and still-growing master list through the "Via" link on any of these posts, and join in yourself if you have a book, craft item, gift card, or other treat to give away!